""Yin & Yang"
represent the opposing powers of the universe united in
perfect harmony. Each contains the seed and potential of the
other. |
TAOISM - Original ideas were probably formulated by Lao Tse (or Tao
Tzu) in the 5th cent. BCE. Name means 'Old
Master'. He is said to have lived 160 years. The
Tao is the reality underlying all existence, there is
nothing supernatural, no memory, no future, no past. Tao
is indifferent to creation, it cannot be pleased or
approached. Tao is the driving force of Nature. The 'Way'
teaches how to blend into the flow of nature and not to
struggle against the inevitable. Understanding the harmony
of the fundamental energies of the universe can lead to
gaining access to personal, and social wisdom, even immortality. |
30 million
Three Religions: Taoism, Confucianism and
Buddhism complement local folk religions in China and Taiwan. |
emphasis is on lightness of being, freedom from the demands of
state on Confucianism. Nothingness and emptiness are ultimate goals in the attainment of
physical immortality. The mystery of life lies in the vital
principles of yin & yang. The aim is to nourish this with
yoga, meditation, mind-body exercises, breathing control and alchemy. The quest can also
involve elaborate sexual techniques. |