The open palm represents peace. Often accompanied by
the word "ahimsa",
(non-violence). |
JAINISM - Founded in 6th century
BCE by Vardhamana Mahavira,
a contemporary of Buddha. He renounced the world at the age of
30. After 12 years of fasting he gained liberation and a sense of
omniscience. He gathered disciples and became a wandering teacher gaining
enlightenment at the age of 72. He is regarded as the last of
the 24 'Fordmakers' or 'Great Teachers' of this period.
Joins worship by chanting mantras and meditating before religious images. The
Universe is symbolically shaped like a huge person. Humans
dwell around the waist, many hells are below, many heavens
above. |
Digambara Sect: 'Sky-Clad',
walk around near naked. Svetambara
Sect: 'White-Clad',
allowed to wear robes. |
COSMOLOGY BIOGRAPHY - According to Jain beliefs time is an infinite series
of cycles, each lasting for millions of years. During each cycle
24 'Fordmakers' (teachers) appear who reactivate human knowledge
of the Truth. Mahavira, approximately a contemporary of Buddha,
is regarded as the 24th 'firthankara' of the current time cycle.
The emphasis is on vegetarianism, asceticism, fasting,
gentleness and
never to destroy life wantonly. The quintessential wisdom is not
to kill anything at all. |